
作者 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2018-01-18 09:44 字数 6665 阅读 1374评论 0

男孩要英勇,女孩要完善,这一根深蒂固的教诲理念影响了一代又第一代孩子,男孩女孩的人生门路也因而开端分岔。本期百科,我们想给年夜家分享Reshma Saujani密斯的TED演讲,看看她想要报告我们甚么样的故事;女孩,又该当怎样培育。

Reshma Saujani密斯她的人生轨迹就是不断做着完善和兢兢业业的工作,直到她33岁时秀士生第一次做了件英勇但看似其实不完善的事,但这件事给她带来许多考虑和贯通,从而也完全改动了她的人生轨迹与目的。因而也有了这场发人沉思的演讲。


So many women I talk to tell me?that they gravitate towards careers and professions that they know they’re going to be great in,?that they know they’re going to be perfect in,?and it’s no wonder why.?Most girls are taught to avoid risk and failure.?We’re taught to smile pretty,?play it safe, get all A’s.?


Boys, on the other hand,?are taught to play rough, swing high,?crawl to the top of the monkey bars and then just jump off headfirst.?And by the time they’re adults,?whether they’re negotiating a raise or even asking someone out on a date,?they’re habituated to take risk after risk.?They’re rewarded for it.?It’s often said in Silicon Valley,?no one even takes you seriously unless you’ve had two failed start-ups.


In other words,?we’re raising our girls to be perfect,?and we’re raising our boys to be brave.


What’s going on??Well, at the fifth grade level,?girls routinely outperform boys in every subject,?including math and science,?so it’s not a question of ability.?


The difference is in how boys and girls approach a challenge.?And it doesn’t just end in fifth grade.?An HP report found that men will apply for a job?if they meet only 60 percent of the qualifications,?but women, women will apply?only if they meet 100 percent of the qualifications.?100 percent.?


This study is usually invoked as evidence that, well,?women need a little more confidence.?But I think it’s evidence?that women have been socialized to aspire to perfection,?and they’re overly cautious.


And even when we’re ambitious,?even when we’re leaning in,?that socialization of perfection?has caused us to take less risks in our careers.?And so those 600,000 jobs that are open right now?in computing and tech,?women are being left behind,?and it means our economy is being left behind?on all the innovation and problems women would solve?if they were socialized to be brave?instead of socialized to be perfect.


We immediately see in our program?our girls’ fear of not getting it right,?of not being perfect.?Every Girls Who Code teacher tells me the same story.?During the first week, when the girls are learning how to code,?a student will call her over and she’ll say,?“I don’t know what code to write.”?The teacher will look at her screen,?and she’ll see a blank text editor.


我们很快在历程中发明,我们的女孩惧怕出错,惧怕写的不完善。这个项目标教师向我反应道,进修写代码第一周,一个门生会报告教师 “我不晓得怎样写代码。”教师看了这个门生的电脑屏幕,编纂栏一片空缺。

?If she didn’t know any better, she’d think that her student spent the past 20 minutes just staring at the screen.?But if she presses undo a few times,?she’ll see that her student wrote code and then deleted it.?She tried, she came close,?but she didn’t get it exactly right. Instead of showing the progress that she made,?she’d rather show nothing at all.?Perfection or bust.



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