
作者 石头的礼物 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2018-05-09 10:13 字数 1081 阅读 1299评论 0

从9月起,我们定期举办与家长的面对面交流活动,这是我们互相了解的最好的方式。在校长见面会活动上,惠灵顿杭州校区总校长Paul Rogers罗杰珀率领已到岗的教学管理团队成员,向家长详细介绍学校各方面的情况,并回答家长的提问。


英国惠灵顿公学国际事务总监Helen Kavanagh出席9月23日“校长见面会”

Face-to-face communications are the best way we can get to know each other. Through our regular Meet the Master Parent Information Sessions the academic leadership team, led by Mr. Paul Rogers, Executive Master of Wellington College Hangzhou, provide parents with detailed information about our school and seek to answer parent questions so that we can address the most important topics that you have.

Meet the Master: The Beginning of an Educational Journey

Meet the Master Event Recap: Message from a Special Guest


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杭州中学      米粒妈咪在线课程