小学篇 明天学院里最使你高兴的事是甚么呀?(或:有甚么事让你以为出格不快乐吗?) 跟我们说说明天学院里让你以为可笑的事呗。 假如能够选同桌的话,你想跟谁坐在一同呀?(或:你最不想跟谁坐同桌呀?为何呢?) 学院里最好玩的处所是那里呀? 跟我说说,明天你在学院有无听到甚么奇异的工作? 假如我今晚给教师打德律风,你以为他/她会怎样描述你呢? 7. How did you help somebody today? 你明天有无帮到他人甚么忙呀? 明天有无谁帮了你的忙呀? 9. Tell me?one thing that you learned today. 跟我说说,明天你都学了甚么。 你明天甚么时分以为最高兴呀? 有无哪节课你以为出格无聊? 如果外星飞船入侵了你们班,然后把此中一小我私家给吸走了,你期望是谁? 13. Who would you like to?play with at?recess that you’ve never played with before? 假如要交个新伴侣,你想尝尝跟谁一同玩? 跟我们说说,明天学院里发作甚么功德了? 明天你们教师说得最多的一个词是甚么呀? 想一想看,你以为在学院有无甚么出格想做的事/想学的工具? 你以为本人在学院最该当做/学甚么? 18. Who in?your class do?you think you could be?nicer?to? 你们班里有无谁让你以为,该当多赐顾帮衬他/她一下? 歇息的时分你最喜好在那里玩呀? 你们班哪一个同窗最故意思?为何你以为是他/她呢? 午餐你最喜好吃哪道菜呀? 如果来日诰日你当教师,你筹办怎样做? 23.?Is?there anyone in?your class that needs a?time out? 你们班有无哪一个同窗需求好好歇息一下的? 假如你能够仆从里哪一个同窗换个坐位,你想跟谁换呢?为何是他/她呀? 想想,明天你都在甚么时分用了铅笔呀?哪三个工夫? 中学篇 1. Where in the school do you hang out the most? ?(Like a particular hall, classroom, parking lot, etc.) ?Where in the school do you never hang out? 你最常待在学院的哪一个处所打发工夫(好比详细哪一个会堂,课堂,泊车场等)?你历来不去学院的哪些处所? 2. What would your school be better with? ?What would your school be better without? 你以为有了甚么学院会更好?你以为没有甚么的话学院会更好? 3. If you were a teacher what class would you teach? ?What class would be the worst to teach? ?Why? 假如你当教师,你想教哪一门?最惨是教哪一门?为何? 4. What was the coolest (saddest, funniest, scariest) thing that you saw today. 你明天见到最酷(最忧伤,最风趣,最恐怖)的事是甚么? 5. Tell me one thing that you learned today. 报告我一件你明天学到的事吧。 6. If your day at school today was a movie what movie would it be? 假如把学院的明天比作一部影戏的话,会是哪一部? 7. Besides walking to their next classes, what else do people do in the halls in between classes? 除走去下一堂课的课堂,年夜家课间在走廊里还会做些甚么? 8. Who do you think you could be nicer to? 你以为本人还能对谁更好些? 9. What is your easiest class? ?What is your hardest class? ?OR ?What class are your learning the most in? ?What class are you learning the least in? 你的第一节课是甚么?你以为最难的一门课是甚么?你在哪一科目学得最多,或起码? 10. If they played music in the halls at school what would everyone want them to play over the loudspeaker? 假如学院播放音乐,年夜家会期望从喇叭里听到甚么歌? 11. If you could read minds what teachers mind would you read? ?What classmates mind would you read? ?Whose mind would you NOT want to read? 假如你会读心,最想读哪一个教师/同窗的设法?最不想读谁的设法? 12. If today had a theme song what would it be? 假如明天有个主题曲的话,会是哪一首? 13. Which class has your favorite group of students in it? ?Which class has the worst group of students? 哪一个班有你最喜好的同窗群?哪一个班有最差的同窗群? 14. What do you think you should do more of at school? ?What do you think you should do less of? 你以为在学院该当能多做一点甚么?少做一点甚么? 15. What are the top 3 (or 5) things that you hear people say in the halls? 你在学院里听到年夜家最常谈的3(或5)件事是甚么? 16. What do you think the most important part of school is? 你以为学院里最主要的部门是甚么? 17. Tell me one question that you had today…even if it wasn’t answered. 报告我明天你在学院碰着的一个成绩吧……哪怕它没获得处理。 18. What class has the most cute boys/girls in it? 哪一个班上有最心爱的男孩/女孩? 19. If an alien space ship landed at your school who would you like them to beam aboard and take back to their home planet? 假如外星人开着飞船来到你们班,你最想他们把谁带回他们的星球? 20. Who did you help today? ?Who helped you today? 明天你协助了谁?谁协助了你? 21. If you could be invisible for the day at school what would you do? 假如明天你能够在学院当个隐身人,你会做些甚么? 22. What part of the day do you look forward to? ?What part of the day do you dread? 你最等待一天中的那一段?最惧怕哪一段? 23. What would you change about school lunch? 你想改动午饭中的甚么? 24. What classmate is most likely to be arrested, made president, become a millionaire, be in movies, let loose a flock of wild chickens in the library, etc. 你以为哪一个同窗未来最有能够被拘捕,哪个会中选总统,成为百万财主,上影戏,做想入非非的事?等等 25. If you had to go to only one class every day which class would it be? 假如你天天只能上一门课,你会上哪一门? 26. Tell me one thing you read at school today. 报告我一件明天你在书里读到的事呗。 27. If your day at school was an emoticon which one would it be? 假如用一个心情标记形貌明天,你会挑选哪一个标记? 28. What do you think your teachers talked about in the faculty room today after school? 你以为明天下学后,教师们在他们的办公室谈判到甚么? 实在,不只和成年人谈天时要留意本领,粑粑麻麻在和宝物相同时一样讲求办法,根本的准绳能够归纳综合为以下几点: 简化成绩,制止笼统:在和孩子谈天时,家长们该当只管问“小”不问“年夜”,挑选一些简朴、简单给出谜底的成绩。 先谈他人,减轻压力;家长能够试着不经意间问起班级状况,孩子常常会很愿意聊聊班里谁作业最棒、谁用饭最凶猛、谁又打斗了、哪一个男孩子又对哪一个女孩子开玩笑等等看似与本人毫无关连,又不会对本人形成压力又风趣的八卦话题。 不要攻讦,要同理心:当孩子表达负面感情时,万万不要第一工夫停止说教和攻讦。家长该当先耐烦谛听,表白本人的同理心,再一步步深化理解孩子的设法。 放下威望,将本人酿成孩子:测验考试把本人酿成孩子,用他们的方法去语言,站在他们的角度去考虑,常常能天然而然地拉近和孩子的干系,让他们以为你很风趣,是“同类”,从而很情愿和你说话。 期望这些小本领能够帮到年夜家~