西班牙语知识 西班牙语中的疑问词

作者 小小外交官 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2021-10-08 11:56 字数 3607 阅读 397评论 0

  西班牙语知识 西班牙语中的疑问词

  children asking questions

  If you want to make your conversation with other people really effective, you have to know how to ask questions. So, here is a list of Spanish question words you need to memorize right away:

  ¿Qué…? — What?

  ¿Quién…? — Who?

  ¿Cuándo…? — When?

  ¿Dónde…? — wher?

  ¿Por qué…? — Why?

  ¿Cuál? — Which?

  ¿Cómo…? — How?

  Pay attention that question words in Spanish always come with an accent and opening as well as closing question mark.

  Just imagine that you’re abroad. What should you do when you suddenly need to ask for help? Or if you want to buy something at a souvenir shop? Of course, a handy Spanish dictionary in your pocket will certainly help, but it could take time for you to find the right phrase. To make sure you keep the conversation flowing, it’s crucial to learn basic Spanish sentences (questions and answers) before you go abroad, so that you’ll be able to cope with any problems once they crop up.

  Here are some examples of useful questions to learn:

  ¿Qué hora tienes? — What time is it?

  ¿De dónde viene? — wher are you from?

  ¿Dónde vives? — wher do you live?

  ¿Puede ayudarme? — Can you help me?

  ¿Podría ayudarle? — Can I help you?

  ¿Cuánto cuesta eso? — How much does it cost?

  ¿Qué hora tienes? — What time is it?

  ¿Entiende? — Do you understand?

  ¡Puede repetirlo! — Can you say that again?

  ¿Qué significa [word]? — What does [word] mean?

  ¿Puedes hablar más despacio? — Can you speak slowly?

  ¿Dónde puedo encontrar un taxi? — wher can I find a taxi?

  ¿Dónde está [hotel’s name] hotel? — wher is [hotel’s name] hotel?



  那…? - 阙?

  WHO…? - 奎恩?

  什么时候…? - 什么时候?

  在哪里…? - 在哪里?

  为什么…? - 为什么?

  哪一个? - 哪一个?

  如何…? - 如何?




  现在是几奌? - 现在是几奌?

  它从何而来? - 你从哪来?

  你住在哪里? - 恩东德维夫斯?

  你可以帮助我? - 你能帮助我吗?

  我可以帮你? - 我可以帮你吗?

  费用多少? - 它要多少钱?

  现在是几奌? - 现在是几奌?

  明白吗? - 你明白吗?

  你可以重复一遍! - 你能再说一遍吗?

  [词]是什么意思? - [词] 是什么意思?

  你能不能说慢一点? - 你可以讲慢点吗?

  我在哪里可以找到出租车? - 我在哪里可以找到出租车?

  [酒店名称]酒店在哪里? - [酒店名称]酒店在哪里?
