【美国名校的自白(恶搞版)/ 上辑】

作者 MAX_HYY 米粒妈咪课堂  ← 点击红色字,关注公众号
2018-01-18 09:37 字数 2493 阅读 964评论 0



Oh Really? You think you’re a math genius? Come here and we’ll crush your ego badly.


Harvard: 哈佛

Come here! You won’t make less than 200k a year if you come here!

Don’t believe the media! We’re not the hottest for rejections! It’s MIT! Don’t apply to MIT. Apply to US! Seriously Just Apply!Even though we only accept 9% of 22,000+, still apply. Just do it! The worst that could happen is a thin envelope in your mailbox. Come on. Just apply so our acceptance rate can go down to 1%


别听媒体瞎扯,我们绝对不是最喜好拒人的学院!最没情面味的是麻省理工!别申麻省理工了。申请我们呀!信赖我,申请就行!虽然22,000多名申请者中我们只登科9%,仍是申请吧。Just do it!顶多邮箱里多出薄薄的一纸拒信。来吧!让申请者来得更狠恶些!如许我们的登科率便可以跌破1%了!

Stanford: 斯坦福

Berkeley who??—I’d look it up but I have a meeting with a venture-capital firm to discuss funding for my freshman science project.


Yale: 耶鲁

Come here and follow in the footsteps of George Bush Sr.,Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham, George Bush Jr., William Howard Taft, GeraldFord, John Kerry, Howard Dean, Joe Lieberman, and Dick Cheney (Though he”flunked”). We’ll show you how to run (or ruin) a country (or other countries).



Make sure that at least one essay demonstrates arrogance and you are a shoe-in! Did we mention that we are ranked 1?


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