收录了893篇文章 ·827个问题 · 5人关注
  • 96
    我没李逵白 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:my face

    purpose:1、学习英文单词face ,hair的发音2、提高幼儿参加英语活动的兴趣3、 复习单词:eye ear mouth nosepreparation:小小盒子、卡片、stickers 、人体的五官图片、磁带。process:1、Greeting:T:good morning boys and girlsS: good morning Miss li...

  • 96
    IC腐烂的苹果 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:go shopping

    一、教学内容ShoppingA: Hello! Can I help you?B: Yes, I want a sweater for my daughter, please.A: How about this one?B: Oh, good. The size is OK.C: Mum, I dont like the colour.A: Do you like this purple one?C: Cool! Thats my ...

  • 96
    轩_轩_宝_贝 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:Rain Rain Go Away

    活动要求:(1)复习猫,兔,狗,鸟的英语发音及动作名称(2)学习太阳,雨的发音(3) 懂得Rain Go Away 的含义(4)学唱歌曲活动准备:四个小动物的图片,太阳、雨的图片活动过程 :1)复习出示背景为草地的图片引出四个小动物,让幼儿依次与它们打招呼。以...

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    兰依轩 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:go to the zoo

    Teaching Plan of At The zooⅠ.Teaching objectives1.Language functions: Talking about animals and their favorite food.2. Language structures: I like…3. New vocabulary: Monkey, elephant, rabbit, panda, goat4. Skills: Listening....

  • 96
    凯516 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:Review units

    Teaching PlanTeaching aims:to review: number color stationery bodyteaching aids:color paper atlasprocess:T:Today,we’re going to have a revision class. Now, are you ready?Ⅰ.warming up.Song: A B C songT:let’s sing the &...

  • 96
    朱七戒 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:He has a car

    活动目标:I has ........活动准备:图片--鸭,鸡,鱼,狮子,等等活动过程 :一,开始部分1.greeting:Good morning /Good afternoon2.律动:show your finger ,follow me ----hands up ,hands down,hands left,hands right,hands back3.Letss count:o...

  • 96
    依依meme 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:she is my mother

    Teaching purpose: Use pronouns to identify people.Ask a ‘Who’ questionUse adj to describe people.Teaching difficulties: handsome, pretty, smart, naughtyWho is this? It is me.Who is he? He is my father.He is handsome.I lov...

  • 96
    朱俊杰临沂 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:How Do Y ou Do?

    活动目标(1):教幼儿知道与人初次见面时要说: How Do You Do?(2) :教幼儿学会说 :How Do You Do? 并知道怎么应付。(3):教育幼儿做个讲礼貌的小骇。活动准备:自编一个“回声”的故事,多次倾听“ How Do You Do”这首歌的音乐....

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    我的朴宰范 2018-03-21 17:12

    一.Teaching contents and demand.ItemContentsDemandTopicsToysListen SayKey sentenceLet’s start again. Take your ball. Ouch!Throw it to your friend. You hear a plane.Look up. The ball comes back.What is seven and three? TenWhat&rsquo...

  • 96
    z丁香花 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:How old are you

    活动目标:1、学习英语对话,乐意参与这种交流。2、复习数字1-10的英语说法。活动准备;磁带、蛋糕活动过程 :一、幼问好。T: Good morning.Boys and girls.C: Good morning,Miss Zhu.T: Look.What’s this?C: It’s bananas.T: Yes, very ...

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    卉仙子 2018-03-21 17:13
    英语教案:where do you live

    教学组织形式: 小组型 教学策略 参与教学策略 课前训练: 朗读儿歌。 信息来源 实物 录音 字母和单词卡片 教师授课行为 学生学习行为采用的策略和方法 辅助手段 一.引入 1.Learn the new words-- classroom and desk. a.Ask:(Point to the class- room) Lo...

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    月古人青 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:what do you want? i want ....

    目标 :1、理解what do you want? I want……的含义,学习想要want、巧克力chocolate的正确发音。3、复习“in the morning”中的句式,能进行语言互换。2、能在情境的引导下,愉快的参与活动。准备: 1、 各种食品,苹果apple, 桔子o...

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    菊子公主 2018-03-21 17:13
    英语教案:where is santa?

    活动目标:1、积极参加各种英语游戏活动,学习单词roof, ground, river, cave.2、初步理解歌曲内容,乐意跟着歌曲进行表演。活动准备:单词卡片;制作雪人、圣诞老人面具;歌曲磁带;游戏锤子。活动过程 :一、Warm Up(热身活动)1、英语歌曲律动:&ldquo...

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    孟西尧 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:Where are you

    目的:1.词in on under beside behind2.通过英语游戏提高幼儿对英语学习的兴趣。准备:1.圆桌,方桌(各一张)椅子(两把)2.Banana apple cake biscuit cake fish box3.bag book pencil-box pencil4.cat (头饰)过程:一.出示小猫头饰,引起兴趣。1. Good mo...

  • 96
    玉面小魔神 2018-03-21 17:12
    英语教案:Autumns Fruit

    活动目标1、通过活动复习五种水果单词:apple orange pear banana pomelo2、进一步学习句型:I like ……3、巩固幼儿对秋天几种水果的认识,培养幼儿对英语活动的兴趣,鼓励幼儿大胆开口表达。活动准备五种水果及其水果卡片若干,篮子一个,小猴....


