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  • 96
    阿米巴巴Lee 2018-08-24 16:20

    春天到了,小猪、小熊和小猴要造一座新房子。 造新房子需要木头,他们来到茂密的森林里先伐木头在木头运回去。小猪用鼻子拱木头拱了一会儿累的满头大汗,小熊觉得自己是一个大力士扛起木头就走可是只看了一会儿就累得气喘吁吁走动了。小猴看看小河突然眼睛一...

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    Lo半糖ve 2018-08-24 16:39

    纷纷洒洒的蒲公英,如点点繁星又如活脱脱的舞者,弥漫在充斥了青草香的空气之中。 这时正值那红杏枝头春意闹的世界,明媚的阳光总是俏皮地引诱着像我一般蠢蠢欲动的心。杭州的春天,来的那么让人焦急又那么让人措手不及,真真儿像忽如一夜春风来的光景了。 ....

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    我是只能 2018-08-24 16:32

    在生活中充满了各种乐趣,即使是养一只小狗,你也会从中体会到乐趣。 我们家有一只小狗,名叫皮皮,它的头很大,嘴是方的,吃起东西来方嘴一动一动的,特别可爱。它的毛很长,腿却很短,它是一个还不满两个月的小狗。别看它很小,它可是非常通人性的哦。接下...

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    对你微笑2010ABC 2018-08-24 16:06

    篇一:我的烦恼优秀作文 烦恼、压力就象无数颗沉积了十多年的定时炸弹瞬间爆发了出来,它那强大又震撼的力量使我承受不了;像刺眼的闪电,直劈我的头顶,几乎使我崩溃。 我这次数学考砸了,妈妈发现了我心情很不好,就知道是我考砸了,他拍了拍我的肩膀说:....

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    好想回头再活 2018-08-24 16:19

    1、我的“小狗熊” 我的床头柜上挂着一只心爱的小狗熊。小狗熊是我6岁时爷爷送给我的华诞礼物,我可喜欢它了!转眼间,小狗熊曾经陪伴我5年了。 小狗熊全身长着棕黄色的绒毛圆溜溜的脸蛋上长着一对耳朵,真像两把小扇子,悄悄一扇,呀!真凉快。小狗熊的眼睛...

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    暴食丫丫 2018-08-24 16:41

    习作一:美丽的故乡 我有一个美丽的故乡!故乡那儿有我童年的故事,那儿也有我的欢笑!我经常去我的故乡玩,那儿有我许多的朋友。故乡那儿的空气很新鲜。故乡那儿的小河有很多的船,农民们都捕了很多鱼很多虾,他们把自己捕到的鱼和虾带回家或给自己的亲人。...

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    七味真火 2018-08-24 16:52

    篇一:游览同里古镇 我们一家三口来到了同里。我们走进了同里古镇,各种各样的香味向我们这里飘来。馋嘴的我立马分辨出了是什么味道:有萝卜丝饼、袜底酥、糖……太香了! 往里走,只见一条河挡在我们前面,我东张西望,立马找到了一架桥,便快步跑上去,观....

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    悟空在路上 2018-08-07 10:18
    刷脸的时代 The Age of Scanning Face

    Many years ago, scientists predicted the coming of non-cash age. Since the popularity of credit card, the public was so excited about the improvement. But now, people have gone much further, they can pay online with Alipay. When the public ...

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    柠檬霸的五 2018-08-07 10:07
    人们为什么爱自拍 Why Do People Take Selfies

    The young generation likes to post their selfies on the social software. As all the pictures look perfect, people will give them the “like”. According to the research, people take selfies to make them look much better because of the vani...

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    water20020 2018-08-07 10:03
    那些过时的习俗 The Outdated Tradition

    China has the history of more than five thousand years, and we are so proud of the culture. When foreign people come to China, they are attracted by the variety of culture. We are advocated to preserve the tradition, while for the outdated ...

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    树友223944 2018-08-07 09:41
    手机与课堂 Cellphone and Class

    When cellphone became popular among students many years ago, many teachers were so worried about students’ attention in the class would be distracted, so they forbid students to bring cellphone in the classroom. As the time went by, thoug...

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    麻麻麻麻吖 2018-08-07 09:44
    实用的选修课 The Practical Optional Class

    In college, every student needs to take optional classes to get enough credits. Compared to the major, optional class is much more funny and close to the life. Such as how to keep healthy and business manners. More and more students tend to...

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    晨曦纸梦 2018-08-07 09:55
    在出国留学前 Before Study Abroad

    Nowadays, studying abroad is very popular for Chinese students. With the development of economy, many families have the money to provide better education to their kids and they choose to send their children to receive foreign education. Th...

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    追求幸福mi 2018-08-07 10:12
    旅行要做的事情 The Things Should be Done In a Trip

    For most people, travel is a great thing. They will make a long plan before the trip starts. It is believed that shopping and delicious food are considered to be the necessary plans. While for some people, they don’t care about the things...

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    宝妈爱毛 2018-08-07 10:20
    吸烟的危害 The Danger of Smoking

    Smoking is very popular among Chinese people. Nowadays, the number of smokers during teenagers is increasing. Some treat smoking as fashion and follow such bad behavior. Though many people have been educated the danger of smoking, they stil...



