How Terrible!
Oh, on! A ghost! 哇!有鬼呀!
My goodness! A snake! 天呀!有蛇!
His eyes will pop out in astonishment. 他因为害怕而瞪大了眼睛。
Frightened to death. 吓死人了。
Shook up. 吓住。
Ive lost my nerve. 我失去了勇气。
She is scared to death. 她吓得半死。
How awful. 多可怕呀!
He is shocked. 他受到了打击。
She will be amazed when she wakes up for dinner. 她要是在吃晚餐的时候醒来。必定会大吃一惊。
OPPS! 哇!
He is surprised. 他大为惊讶。
She cried with shock. 她因受惊吓而喊叫。
She was so stunned, that she couldnt speak. 她惊愕得说不出话来。
The crowd gasped with astonishment. 大家惊讶的屏住呼吸。
He surprised them, so they gave up quietly. 他出其不意地袭击了他们,因此他们乖乖地投降了。
They jumped at the unexpected noise. 他们因突如其来的声音吓得跳了起来。
She screamed in astonishment. 她惊吓得发出尖叫。
He was so startled that he yelled. 他惊吓得高声喊叫。
He turned white with amazement. 他害怕得脸都苍白了。
Got all in a panic. 惊恐万分。
Im So Sad...
Broke again. 又破产了。
That was my last one, too. 那可是我最后额财产了。
Sigh. He doesnt even know Im alive. 啊啊,他一直都不知道我还活着。
The only feasting I do these days is in my dream. 这几天我只能在梦中享受山珍海味了。
I lost two teeth, my contract, and the game. (意译)福无双降,祸不单行;黄鼠狼单咬病鸭子。
Sob, I lost. 呜呜,我又输了。
He tricked me. I hate him. 他耍弄了我,好恨他。
Johnny doesnt like me. 乔妮不喜欢我。
I blew it. 我们吹了。
Im all washed up. 我都完事了(筋疲力尽了)。
Joe was really a rat. 乔(生前)是个十足的大骗子。(咒骂)
Shh! Hell hear you. 咻,小声点,他会听到的
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